The 22 Demands of the People of the United States of America
We the people, that is, the natural
persons, men women and children, lawfully residing within the fifty states of
1) Reestablishment of national currency;
state and local currencies;
President shall by executive order, direct the US treasury to create United
States Treasury currency, in notes, coins, electronic
funds, redeemable in either gold, silver, units of energy or of labor,
completely independent of the Federal Reserve Bank or any foreign or privately
owned entity. The US Treasury shall not engage in fractional reserve banking.
All banks within the fifty states and District of Columbia shall issue US
currency. Payments, loans and benefits from the US treasury shall be made in US
currency. The 50 states, local communities and private companies shall be free
to create their own complimentary currencies by whatever systems are workable,
except for fractional reserve, which shall be considered counterfeit and
therefore outlawed. The Federal Reserve Bank, having fraudulently seized the
assets of issuers of lawful independent currencies, shall return all items
2) Emergency Homeowner relief;
Credit shall be applied
towards the mortgage payments for the primary residence of every private
homeowner; fifty cents for every dollar paid for the next five years, and
retroactively for the past ten years.
Homes foreclosed within the last ten years shall be returned to their
owners if such retroactive credits would have been sufficient to meet payment
requirements. Lending
institutions may not change the terms of loans without the consent of the
borrower, nor transfer debt to another institution. Any such changes shall
render the borrower’s obligation null and void.
3) Abolition of the Federal Income Tax;
The 16th
Amendment, having been fraudulently ratified, shall be repealed. The Federal Income tax, which has no purpose other than to compel the people to
pay the interest on a debt which we do not owe, shall be abolished. This abolition does not extend to
corporations. Filers of forms 1040, 1040A and 1040EZ shall be refunded for
all money they paid to the IRS in Federal Income Taxes for
the last 30 years, except for payments into Social Security.
The IRS shall have no function in the lives of individuals and married couples
except the collection of payments into social security, but shall continue to
collect taxes from corporations, until the eventual replacement of the Federal
Reserve System by the US treasury renders the agency obsolete.
4) Dissolution of the Federal Reserve Bank
The Federal Reserve Act shall
be repealed. The Federal Reserve Bank, all gold and silver, all assets and
property held by it, and by its directors and shareholders, shall be returned
to the
elimination of corporate personhood;
The provision in the 14th Amendment that states, “nor shall any State
deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”
shall apply only to natural persons, and not be interpreted to include a
corporation, company, partnership, firm, association or society. All
subsequent laws granting personhood status to corporations shall likewise be
overturned. Corporate charters shall be specific in their purpose and be
subservient to the will of the people and the community in which it serves.
Their shall be no "limited liability". Corporations shall be held fully liable
for their actions, as they are not capable of emotions, and therefore lacking in
human empathy, and must be closely monitored and regulated by the community in
which they are chartered and the people whom they serve.
6) Rolling back of the
police state
The Patriot Acts shall be repealed.
The Omnibus Counterterrorism Act shall be repealed. The Department of Homeland
Security shall be disbanded. the TSA shall be disbanded, and all TSA staff
shall be psychologically tested for public risk of sex offending. Said
results shall be on public record. Transportation safety shall be the
responsibility of the respective transportation hubs, providers and local
police. All types of so-called “naked screening” x-ray scanning devices &
mobile units, shall be removed, destroyed and recycled.
Rex 84 shall be dissolved. all civilian internment
camps shall be dismantled. People who have committed no crimes shall never
compelled to provide labor, be relocated, or surrender land or resources against
their will and without compensation.
7) Military policy
Immediate full withdrawal of
all armed forces, advisors and mercenaries from all foreign lands. The Armed forces shall
not attack any nation, region or peoples
that Congress has not lawfully declared war on.
The Armed forces shall not engage in covert wars, black ops, inhumane treatment
of prisoners, nor be used to serve any interest other than the safety and
defense of the people of the United States of America and the lands, seas and
skies thereof. Mercenary forces shall be outlawed. Companies employing
mercenary force shall lose their corporate charter and be dissolved; their
assets shall pay for reparations to the people wronged by them.
The CIA shall be dissolved. Military intelligence shall fall within the
responsibility of the armed forces and be subject to congressional
oversight. No security clearance shall
be higher than the eyes of the President. There shall be no black budget.
8) Foreign aid policy
No nation known to possess weapons of mass destruction, i.e., nuclear,
biological, chemical, electromagnetic, sound, seismic, weather modification or
mind control, no nation known to harbor the trafficking of human slaves, shall
receive any aid whatsoever, be it grants, loans, military, logistical, or
material support.
The exceptions shall be humanitarian aid in the form of food, medical
assistance and materials in the event of natural disaster, and only with the
consent of the people of the Unites States of
9) Conflicts of interest in public office;
No person of dual citizenship shall hold public office, except if that
other citizenship is to one of the 50 states.
No person holding a title of nobility, nor of royal peerage, shall hold public office. No
person holding public office may own shares in any publicly traded company, nor
have served on the board of directors, nor represented the interests of any
such company, nor any foreign nation, within 20 years of entering public
office, or 10 years after leaving public office.
No organizations, no foreign
persons or nations, no publicly traded companies, shall be recognized in any
federal, state or local governments. Elected or appointed officials shall
not accept gifts or cont
11) Legalize
industrial hemp; marijuana laws revised;
All legal restrictions on
growing and harvesting industrial hemp shall be repealed.
sentencing laws for sale or possession of marijuana shall be abolished. Persons
currently incarcerated under mandatory sentencing laws and for no other crime
shall be immediately released.
12) Profit
from war abolished;
No profit shall arise from the production of heavy weapons and machinery of war
or mass destruction. Any such production shall only be for the benefit of
defending and protecting American people and lands, under non-profit guidelines.
13) United Nations policy
No mandate set forth by the United Nations shall override the Constitution of
14) Energy policy
All patents on highly
efficient conventional or alternative energy, locomotion, power, or
so-called free energy, zero-point energy, over-unity, or energy from the ether,
cold fusion, fuel from water, all of which are presently withheld from the public and
classified, shall be unclassified and shall become public domain. it shall be policy to promote the implementation of such
technology into everyday use as quickly as possible. Generous grants shall be awarded to inventors and
developers of said
technology towards the practical
application and production thereof, funded by the publicly traded oil and energy
corporations, its directors and CEO's present and retired.
15) Social security benefits;
All socially security
benefits shall be significantly increased, no less than by 50% and payable in US currency funds.
16) Abolition of the FDA and the Department of Education
The Food and drug administration, having made every effort to suppress cures
for diseases and promote the interests of the pharmaceutical industry, shall be
abolished, and replaced by an administrative body comprised of health
practitioners of various disciplines. No
person who has represented the interests of a publicly traded pharmaceutical
company within the past 20 years, or who possesses shares in any such company,
shall be allowed to serve on such a board.
Department of Education, having made every effort to reduce the literacy and
mental competency of American children, shall be abolished. Compulsory
attendance in school shall be replaced by minimum standards of competency in
reading and mathematics. The Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of
Independence shall be required curriculum. Financial aid shall be made available
for private schooling.
No living organism, nor genetic makeup thereof, shall be patented. Genetically modified seeds and crops
already produced shall be used up for non-food industrial use only,
until depleted. No more shall be produced. Farmers will be compensated for any costs
incurred in converting back to natural growing methods by Monsanto Corporation,
its board of directors and shareholders, who will also compensate and reimburse
any farmer who has suffered any financial losses directly or indirectly because
of Monsanto Corporation.
18) Law enforcement, judicial ethics and reform.
No person shall be arrested or detained without probable cause, due process,
access to council, and communication with at least one relative or friend.
Law enforcement must first
serve and protect the people before serving the interests of the incorporated
town, city, county or state they serve in.
The people shall not be used as a source of revenue for the state, in the
form of excessive and punitive fees, fines and surcharges.
Quotas for issuing summonses shall be illegal. The police shall not conduct random searches
and seizures or checkpoints. The police shall not demand a person to consent to
a search, nor produce ID, without probable cause. Crowd control weapons using sound or
electromagnetic technology shall be outlawed.
Electric shock weapons shall be
significantly reduced in power and duration, down to levels in which their
safety and humane use can be guaranteed.
Use of excessive force shall be deemed criminal assault.
All law enforcement officials, civil servants, and government officials shall
be subject to the same laws and penalties as everyone else. Penalties for crimes committed by a law
enforcement officer, civil servant, or government official shall be no less than
the penalties imposed on any ordinary person.
Penalties for crimes committed against a law enforcement officer, civil
servant, or government official shall be no greater than such crimes committed
against any ordinary person.
19) Cessation of covert methods of depopulation and war
No person shall be compelled
to receive vaccinations.
companies shall not be immune from liability for injury caused by vaccines.
Fluoridation of
the water supply shall cease and desist. Spraying of chemicals in the
atmosphere (chemtrails) shall cease and desist. Electromagnetic, sound, and scalar wave technology shall not be used
to inflict damage upon the nervous system or psyche, nor
to inflict environmental damage, seismic activity or weather warfare. Such
technology may only be used to protect people or property.
20) Benefits of citizenship; health care.
Any US citizen, or citizen of the 50 states,
or indigenous peoples living within the 50 states shall be entitled to Medicaid
benefits if he or she wishes to apply. “Obamacare” shall
be repealed and replaced by this policy.
Benefits shall not apply to foreigners who have entered into our borders
unlawfully, nor shall bearing children within our borders entitle them to lawful
residency status.
21) Restoring the sovereignty of indigenous peoples
Indigenous peoples of the lands occupied by the 50 states and US territories are free to form
independent sovereign nations, provided they do not forcibly displace their
non-indigenous neighbors. Such nations shall be recognized by the Federal
government and by the 50 states. Leonard Peltier shall be immediately released
from prison.
22) Re-investigation of 9-11
A full public
re-investigation of the terror attacks on
October 4th
Brian E.